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Noise Cancelling in Microsoft Teams Calls is … AWESOME

Many of us have become used to working from home, teaching from home, studying from home and video calls (and the associated background noises) has almost become part of the accepted norm of this new reality.

Whilst most people have extended plenty of grace when a dog barks, lawn mower fires up outside the open window, or kids yell at each other in the background, the reality is this extraneous noise can be distracting and detract from the focus of a call.

Enter noise cancelling in Microsoft Teams!

One thing I’ve said numerous times on this blog is if someone else has beaten me to it and made an awesome video or blog post about a feature I think is valuable to my readership, I’ll point them in that direction rather than reinvent the wheel. Well, this is one of those situations as the inimitable Mike Tholfsen has made a terrific video showcasing the power of noise cancelling in Microsoft Teams:

The irony! I am writing this whilst someone in my kitchen at home is making a smoothie and the whirring noise is very loud two rooms away!

I thought I’d give this a test with my old mate Megan Townes and see if it lived up the hype – I’m very happy to confirm it does. I even played this YouTube clip of U2 rocking out to The Fly and it was so loud I could not hear Megan talking back to me, but she could hear me clear as a bell. I had to stop the video so I could hear her telling me she could not hear the music!

So, Mike has nailed the video explaining how to turn this on, for those who want to read how, then the support documentation is here.

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