HoloLens 2 – Stretching The Boundaries Of Reality

About two years ago in Seattle I got my first “hands on” experience with the original HoloLens – suffice to say, I was really impressed.  This week, Microsoft announced the availability of HoloLens 2 for pre-order and it just looks like a really cool iteration of the original.

This time, it appears the HoloLens 2 will be customisable for specific scenarios e.g. where you need a safety hardhat – this is cool!

HoloLens Hardhat.PNG

A totally new way to re-imagine HoloLens and Mixed Reality. Image Credit

Here is the launch video:

Here are some of promo videos:

Finally, here is what The Verge had to say:

If you prefer more of a written review of the launch, here are some tech write ups:

My Thoughts:

As usual, can’t wait to try it! The extended field of vision is a really important feature to increase the immersiveness of the experience, although I can honestly say that after using HoloLens 1 for countless hours, you do simply adapt to the limited field of vision in how you use the device.

There were no specific education examples that I heard from the launch, although the fact that Pearson has already created Mixed Reality educational curriculum content for HoloLens 1, it would stand to reason more would come for HoloLens 2.

The drop in price is welcome, although the launch continued to make a very clear statement that this is not a consumer focused device – for now.

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